James Lantry- Unleashing Hip Hop’s Inner Conscience




When you first meet James Lantry you are struck by his warm, inviting and open smile and an inner confidence that instantly hits you. Therein that confidence is the key that has enabled Lantry to become one of the most sought after Behavioural Coach and Small Business Start-up Expert coaches in the Sydney region, with most of his clients coming from the arts and entertainment fields, all seeking the wise and rational counsel of this thoroughbred hip hop at heart life strategist mentor.

Lantry, the founder force behind Conscious Creatives, an intimate workshop based on the enhancement and improvement of those in creative fields to bring out their inner best, has been successfully encouraging everyone from singers, dancers, writers and everything in between to reach their goals and maintain the momentum he teaches in his Conscious Creatives sessions. As an organically grown business for Lantry, it is something that is a labour of love for Lantry, who takes pleasure in helping people unearth their inner creative, and one he delivers with ease, humour and more importantly in laymen’s terms.

I am a huge believer in feeding your soul and mind with positive energy and working on your inner self as well as that of the outer and my first meeting with James was indeed transformative and thought-provoking, which a direct reflection of his spirit for seeking the best in others. If you don’t give yourself anything in the coming year, I would invest in a conversation with James Lantry and get the cognitive wheels on your brain something to think about, especially where your life’s dreams and missions lay. So happy to share James Lantry’s first interview with Ms Hennessey Speaks Blog and find out what makes this mind whisperer tick.


Thanks so much for your time James, I truly appreciate it. How are you going and how has 2016 being treating you thus far?

Hello Ms. Hennessey! I’m really well, thank you. 2016 has been a very rewarding and lucky year for me. With the completion of my degree in February, and the steady growth of the Artists Sessions, I’ve got a lot to be thankful for.

Congratulations on the success garnered from your inspiring career as a mentor and coach. So who is James Lantry and what is your greatest motivation behind creating and living the positive life you do every day?

I’ve been curious towards the topics of behaviour, creativity and passion for years, and I decided a while back now to get to know myself, and find my passion.    

The motivation stems from an unwavering belief in myself, along with curiosity and wonder in exploring possibilities. The undercurrent of the continued motivation is personal growth and knowing that the best is yet to come.

What do you think have been some of the greatest challenges or lessons you have faced that have helped shape who you are today and serve as tools to help that shaping your life’s calling?

The greatest challenge I’ve faced is adjusting to life after parental death. My father was a rock for me and one of the wisest men I’ve ever known. We had a fantastic relationship and shared values for growth, learning and progress. He was one of my greatest teachers. I empathise that everyone experiences the death of a loved one, and it’s tough. This also comes with the realisation that at some point, you’ve got to grow up. One may have a certain sense of value within their home, yet when you step into the marketplace, you’ve got to bring skills, knowledge, experience and a continued willingness to learn. Ultimately, staying hungry.

A further challenge is becoming aware of what a calling is. You know, it sounds so profound and out there. Yet, it starts as a small feeling inside you. There’s this knowing that you have to move in a certain direction and there’s a sense of purpose. Slowly but surely, it gets louder and clearer. If ignored, it turns into pain. So, you keep stepping and the next thing shows up.

I’ve been shaped by numerous mentors along the way. Keeping my eyes open to people who have achieved similar goals, and approaching them to discover whether they are open to sharing about how they got there, and to follow a similar path.    

One of the greatest tools I’ve received in my life is one question: Why is this happening for me and what is my lesson? I share this with everyone because it’s priceless. It keeps me awake to the fact that things are happening for me and that I am ultimately supported. The current situation doesn’t have to make sense to me, and by asking myself this question, it helps me step again and keep stepping.     

What are your thoughts on the world we live in today? Pretty broad question I know but I am intrigued by the insights that life coaches have and share with those they deal with on a day-to-day basis so I am always interested to know what a life coaches thoughts are of the world they teach and help people live in?

The reality… life can get messy. The continued reminder is to keep it simple. Having a solid personal foundation is vital. Following that get creative and experience life! I’m one for experiencing. The folks that interest me are the ones that keep stepping out of their comfort zone. It’s one way to stay invigorated and fresh. Honestly, do one thing a week that terrifies you, learn something from it and share about it with a friend.  

To be clear though, my continued focus with people is on their internal world. Everything outside, is simply a mirror of what’s happening inside.

The cool part is teaching people who with support, making changes can be simple and easy.

How do you remain consistent in your messages of positivity when the world we live in is so negative at times?

To share a few fundamentals:

  • Stay trained, challenged and invigorated in your creative interests. I recommend taking popping and hip hop classes.
  • Establish mentor relationships for each of your goals. You’ll get fed positivity and encouragement!  
  • Be open to being a mentor. Giving is living and it’s an incredibly fulfilling process.
  • At the end of each day, write down a list of who showed up in your life to support you/help you out that day. 

The music or artists you listen to that inspire you and your powerful contribution to the global community on a daily basis?

To name a few:

James Brown; Roger and Zapp; Jay-Z; George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic ; Legend Da Beatslaya; Naughty by Nature ; A Tribe Called Quest…and many more…

Where can people reach you online and / or book your mentoring


The hip hop artist you would most like to mentor / coach if you had the opportunity to?

Australian hip hop artist L-FRESH the LION

The quote you live by and why?

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never have otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen incidences, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

~ Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von ~

I always find myself coming back to this. Years ago I wanted to prove this to be true. Today I have a long list of evidence to back this quote. If you get that same feeling of ‘anything is possible’ after reading this quote, then your ‘why’ takes care of itself.

For more information on James Lantry and his creative workshops contact him via: www.consciouscreatives.com.au


Love and light

Ms Hennessey

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